Bridal FAQs + Policies
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What is required of me to book?
All brides must complete a bridal contract and a $125 deposit in order to secure their wedding date.
Question: I’m interested in booking, what do I do next?
Please fill out our inquiry form and we will be in touch!
Question: How far in advance should I book my trial?
We recommend 2 - 3 months out from your wedding date.
Question: Can I book a trial before booking my wedding date?
Yes, but keep in mind your date will not be held until you complete and sign a contract and pay the deposit so your date may be booked for another bride.
Question: Do I have to give you the total head count for services when I book?
No, we request an estimate upon booking and the total number no less than 90 days from your wedding date. Keep in mind our service minimums.
Question: Is there a minimum to book?
There is a $450 booking service minimum for hair and $425 minimum for makeup. This does not include the bridal trial.
You can view our pricing here.
Question: Is there a travel fee?
For services done outside of the salon, there is currently a $125 travel fee. Your deposit goes towards this fee.
*Policies and prices are subject to change.